
On Going

Deep Fake Video Detection

"Identifying deep fake videos through advanced AI algorithms."

This project endeavors to develop a sophisticated system for detecting fake videos with ease. Upon video upload, the system will employ advanced computer programs capable of learning and comprehending video content, enabling it to determine the authenticity of footage accurately. By enhancing trust in online video content, the project aims to combat the dissemination of false information effectively. This initiative seeks to provide users with reliable tools to discern between genuine and altered videos, thereby promoting transparency and accountability in digital media. Ultimately, this effort strives to empower individuals to make informed decisions about the veracity of videos they encounter online, fostering a more trustworthy digital landscape.

Key Features of Deep Fake Video Detection

  • Interface: Open the web or mobile application designed for the Deep Fake detection system.
  • Upload a Video: Click on the upload button to select a video from your device that you want to check for authenticity.
  • Submit for Analysis: After selecting the video, submit it to the system for analysis by clicking the upload button.
  • View Results: The system will display the results, indicating whether the video is genuine or a Deep Fake.

Result of Deep Fake Video Detection